उत्तराखंड राज्य प्रमुख स्वामी सत्यानंद जी का विवरण
Details of Uttarakhand State Head Swami Satya Amitranand Ji
- Full Name: Swami Satya Amitranand Ji
- Fathers Name: Shri Ramcharan Singh Ji
- DOB: 10/10/1981
- Living Place with full address with Pin code:
Kanha Makhan Vatika Dham Flat No D/24
Tehra , Biji Marg , Post- Chattikara ( G.T.B.)
Janpad : Mathura U.P.
Pin : 2831003 - What’s up No +91 84458 43111
Another no for emergency Mob no: 8433438810 - Email ID: Vrindavanssm@gmail.com
- Recent Photo which you want to publish on Press ID card Enclosed
- Your Education : M.A.P.H.D.
- Your Hobbies etc : Literature Reading and lectures
- Any other Information which you want to share us: Not Provided
- This all information we will publish on news portal like individual Page after that we will generate the QR code and it will be published on your Press ID card.
The Above information is provided us via what’s app no +91 84458 43111.
Swami ji has given his concern to publish this document on www.tribalnews.in news portal. Accordingly, we are creating page on our web news portal.